Meet Supryia

I’m a working parent of two kids in the School District. Our family has been in the District since 2014. Because of the work I’ve done over the years, I’m proud to be endorsed by SF Parent Action. My priorities are the budget, safety, and excellence. I am committed to putting students first, working collaboratively, and treating everyone in SFUSD fairly. I promise to stay focused on what we all want: safe, high-quality schools.

Why I’m running for the School Board:

Because we should listen to the voices of everyone in our school communities and every kid should have the access and opportunity they need to thrive!
— Supryia Ray


The Voice of San Francisco

John Rothmann’s Podcast Interview with SFUSD BOE candidate Supryia Ray (05/31/24)

Link to Podcast

CBS News Interview

San Francisco Unified pushing for nearly $800M bond measure to improve schools

The Frisc

As SF Seethes Over School Plans, Some Parents Tell Officials to Take It Outside
